Sunday, June 02, 2002

SettlementsThe intensity of settlements in Salfeet Governorate shows that this area suffers more than any other Palestinian areas. 17 Israeli settlements were built on our confiscated lands with 40.000 settlers. In this governorate we find the biggest West Bank settlement called Ariel constructed on the lands of Salfeet, Kefel Hareth, Marda. This settlement is considered by the Israelis as the Capital of Sameria. The Barqan Settlement built in our governorate on the lands of the villages of Broqeen and Hareth is the biggest industrial settlement.

The objective of this policy is to Israelite the area and annex it to Israel. In addition, many national roads were implemented dividing this governorate and confiscating more of its lands. The Israeli occupational policy in this governorate caused miserable life: many people lost their land, which supported them economically. The Palestinian towns are being stock by the settlements and seem like dispersed isolated cantons. This is one of the Israeli objectives of settlements: stop and freeze the growth of the Palestinian people by keeping them in the bottom of the bottle.

In order to supply those settlements with different services, the Israelis have excavated four main artesian water wells in our confiscated land; confiscating our water and preventing us from excavating wells for our own leaving the Palestinian towns without water.

In addition , those settlements causes the major environmental pollution threatening both people and nature; the settlements sewage water, solid waste and the factories chemical remainings are being left in our fields passing from our towns contaminating our lives.

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