Saturday, January 31, 2004

Missteps Pulled a Surging Dean Back to Earth:
"… just as Dr. Dean headed onstage, his campaign manager, Joe Trippi, offered a snippet of rocker philosophy: 'Freedom's just another for word for nothing left to lose.'

Actually, Dr. Dean still had plenty to lose that night, when his speech turned his highflying candidacy into late-night joke fodder. "

Above is what passes for objective analysis, and until recently I'd have bought into it too.

Then I saw a four minute story on ABC where they played a recording of the "I have a scream speech" made by people who were actually in the room.

You couldn't even hear Dean, above the cheers of the crowd. He was yelling trying to be heard and failing miserably. Unfortunately, someone, gave him a noise cancelling microphone. Unfortunately it wasn't hokked up to the PA system so his crowd could hear him. Unfortunately, it was connected to the media, who, being there, had to know that the people in the room never heard a scream, but reported it as if they had.

At the time of ABC's "correction" the phony (manipulated) scream had been aired well over 800 times. If you missed the truth on ABC, well, you missed it.

The Dean Scream: The version of reality that we didn't see on TV
The scream that may not have been

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