Secret High-Level Effort to Revive Mideast Peace Plan: "The renewed talks come amid persistent violence. Acting on a tip, Israeli troops raided the West Bank village of Azun, near the boundary with Israel, and a 16-year-old Palestinian bomber, Sabih Abu Saud, blew himself up as soldiers were closing in, the military said. One soldier was lightly wounded.
Palestinians traditionally praise family members who carry out attacks against Israel. But the bomber's father, Kamal Abu Saud, was critical of Al Aksa Martyrs Brigades, which was responsible for the bombing.
"He was just a little boy and those who sent him should have left him alone," Mr. Saud was quoted as saying by The Associated Press.
Meanwhile, Shaul Mofaz, Israel's defense minister, acknowledged he had been meeting Palestinians, but declined to name them.
"These meetings took place and it was right that they took place in order to keep channels of dialogue for the future," Mr. Mofaz said.
However, Palestinian and Israeli officials identified Mr. Mofaz's partner as Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian finance minister.
Mr. Mofaz added that if the new Palestinian prime minister, Ahmed Qurei, established a permanent government, the contacts could be expanded.
Israel broke off discussions with the Palestinian leadership after an Aug. 19 suicide bombing on a Jerusalem bus that killed 23 people. Since then, the Middle East peace plan has been in the deep freeze.
Israel has demanded that the Palestinian security forces break up violent factions, something Palestinian leaders have resisted, though it is required under the peace plan.
Israel says it has not dropped that demand, but its willingness to reopen a dialogue does appear to be a softening of the Israeli position."
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