ZDNet: Tech Update
Hackers. Thieves. Cyberterrorists. Angry ex-employees. They're out there--ready to corrupt, disrupt, steal, or sabotage. Who can protect your data, your systems, your business from them? Only you can--as a computer user, an IT manager, or a company executive. But are you ready? How prepared are you to prevent, not just react. Find out. Take the test.
Take the test: Home users, employees, small biz owners
Readiness Report Card I Cybersecurity begins at home. It rests with anyone and everyone who touches a keyboard. Are you doing the right things to protect your personal data? To make sure you don't catch--or spread--a virus? Find out whether you make the grade. Take our interactive test.
September 25, 2002
Take the test: Business execs, managers, IT professionals
Readiness Report Card II Your company's fortunes--maybe even its fate--rest on its data, systems, and networks. Protecting them isn't just a job for the IT department. It begins at the top and extends to every part of the business. When it comes to cybersecurity, does your company pass? Or fail? Find out. Take our interactive test.
September 25, 2002
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