Monday, September 23, 2002

ZDNet: Story: How Uncle Sam wimped out on cybersecurity
A YEAR AGO, post 9/11, cybersecurity czar Richard Clarke was running around telling the truth and challenging American business to do a better job protecting itself. A year later, the only teeth in the plan are those Clarke showed when he smilingly introduced it last week. (Click here to watch Clarke's interview with CNET Radio's Brian Cooley.)

What the Bush administration presented was a strategy only in the sense that the government encouraging people to brush after every meal and "Just Say No" can be considered strategies. Good ideas, certainly, but not something you want to depend on when lives are at stake.

Instead, the administration's approach to this important issue seems to be to count on business to do the right thing. I will pause now for the laughter from my fellow California residents as we remember the way our utility industry has #$^$%-ed us the past couple years. The rest of America can think of Enron and the smoking hulk that was once the mighty accounting firm Arthur Andersen.…,10738,2881029,00.html

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