Saturday, December 02, 2000

ZDNet: News: Digital copyright battle sharpens The right to resell
The entertainment behemoths say they want to ensure copyright holders are
properly compensated for their works on the Web, but digital media
companies say Hollywood is trying to stifle technology to keep control over
distribution. Experts say billions of dollars could be involved.

At Wednesday's hearing, DiMA representatives and executives from new
media companies will argue that consumers must be assured that digitally
downloaded purchases enjoy the same flexibility and value as physical
media, including the right to resell, lend, or give away media products.

Specifically, these companies say that when a song, for instance, is
streamed, the webcaster should only have to pay a royalty on that
performance once.

Copyright holders, however, feel royalties should be paid on copies that
may be produced incidentally on the computer's buffer as a result of the

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