"Christine O’Donnell may not believe in the separation of church and state, but the Supreme Court does not believe in the separation of powers."
Monday, October 25, 2010
Supremely Bad Judgment - NYTimes.com
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
A Perfect (Accidental) Argument For Net Neutrality
“When we realized we were affecting non-Cablevision video subscribers, we quickly altered our position,”
But for reasons that remained unclear, the blockade did not work in all Cablevision households. Furthermore, within hours, the News Corporation realized that by blocking Cablevision subscribers’ computers it was also blocking some people who pay Cablevision for Internet only and pay competitors like DirecTV for television. Those people were “caught in the crossfire,” Ms. Wright said.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Econbrowser: The "Ever-Expanding" Government Sector, Illustrated (Part II)
"Notice that government transfers as a share of GDP looks particularly high because of the collapse of GDP in the Great Recession which started in 2007Q4. Normalizing by potential GDP highlights the fact that, while the ratio is the highest over the last forty three years, it is only slightly higher than that recorded in the mid-1980s, during the Reagan administration.
Normalizing government consumption and investment illustrates that overall spending by the government in purchases of goods and services is not particularly high. Even dividing by nominal GDP indicates that we are only (almost) back to the levels of 1990. Normalizing by potential GDP indicates that we are still only back to the levels of the early 1990's (this spending includes defense)."
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - Magazine - The Atlantic
"Simply put, if you’re attracted to ideas that have a good chance of being wrong, and if you’re motivated to prove them right, and if you have a little wiggle room in how you assemble the evidence, you’ll probably succeed in proving wrong theories right."
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Make Wall Street Risk It All - NYTimes.com
"The days of privatizing the profits for Wall Street and socializing the risks must end."
“ As radical as this sounds, in truth it would be no different from when — before 1970 — Wall Street was a series of private partnerships.We can’t turn back the clock: Wall Street’s big firms will never again be private partnerships.
Create a new security for each Wall Street firm that represents — and is secured by — the entire net worth of its 100 top executives.
Why? Because human beings do what they are rewarded to do — especially on Wall Street —”
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Don't They Know Ayn Rand Wrote Fiction?
"Keynesian economics won, hands down."
“So: first of all, the other side in this debate generally adheres, more or less, to something like what Keynes called the “classical theory” of employment, in which employment and output are basically determined by the supply side. Casey Mulligan has been most explicit here, coming up with increasingly, um, creative stories about how what we’re seeing is a choice by workers to work less; but the whole Kocherlakota structural unemployment thing is similar in its implications.
Oh, and the Cochrane-Fama thing about how a dollar of government spending necessarily displaces a dollar of private spending is basically a classical view, although there doesn’t seem to be a model behind it, just a misunderstanding of what accounting identities mean.
Once you have a more or less classical view of unemployment, you naturally have the classical theory of the interest rate, in which it’s all about supply and demand for funds, and something like a quantity theory of money, in which increases in the monetary base lead, in a fairly short time, to equal proportional rises in the price level. This led to the prediction that large fiscal deficits would lead to soaring interest rates, and that the large rise in the monetary base due to Fed expansion would lead to high inflation.
You can see the classical theory of interest and the soaring-rate prediction clearly in Niall Ferguson’s remarks:
After all, $1.75 trillion is an awful lot of freshly minted treasuries to land on the bond market at a time of recession, and I still don’t quite know who is going to buy them … I predict, in the weeks and months ahead, a very painful tug-of-war between our monetary policy and our fiscal policy as the markets realize just what a vast quantity of bonds are going to have to be absorbed by the financial system this year. That will tend to drive the price of the bonds down, and drive up interest rates
and, of course, in many WSJ op-eds, in analyses from Morgan Stanley, and so on.
Meanwhile, you can see the high-inflation prediction in pieces by Meltzer andLaffer — with the latter helpfully titled, “Get Ready for Inflation and Higher Interest Rates”.…