Monday, July 11, 2005


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It's that day of infamy in December of '41. If you can imagine congress declaring war on torpedo bombers instead of the Japanese, then you're beginning to see the problem I have with the war on terror.

When I watched the second plane hit the World Trade Center, I turned around and said this is Al Qaeda's third attack. I expected immediate action against Bin Laden and the Taliban, but it took months despite nearly every military power on earth offering us their assistance.

An incredible amount of time was wasted trying to link the attacks to Iraq, Iran and even North Korea was dragged into the axis of evil.

In the end we declared war on the tactic instead of the enemy, making Bin Laden's escape at Tora Bora almost inevitable.…

I think it's because too many people can't imagine an attack by anything but a state, but jihads, crusades, and holy wars don't need a state in the traditional way. In any case, Al Qaeda isn't state sponsored terrorism, the Taliban was a terrorist sponsored state.

At some point in the middle ages, I'm told they tried to outlaw archery. They went so far as to hang every archer they came across, but the sanctions didn't end the problem. Only a more effective tactic (guns) succeeded in replacing bows.

The taliban weren't much of a state, and our military is geared up for war with states so we found one, pounded it into the ground, disbanded its army, defeated it in every way possible, while Al Qaeda metastesized throughout the entire Islamic world.

Al Qaeda can be defeated, but, where surgery would have been adequate, we now need chemotherapy and radiation and the patient might not survive. By the way, the patient has a large family that holds grudges, and they've already started planning the malpractice suit.

In the meanwhile, some are declaring success because it's been years since the attack. There were years betwween the embassy attacks and the U.S.S. Cole. Our interests and our servicepeople have been under constant attack. We have self inflicted wounds Bin Laden could only have dreamed of causing as we trade freedoms for “security.”

And the people of Iraq have the vote, but less security, less electricity, less gasoline, less health care, less water, but they're still giving us the benefit of the doubt. But even they aren't going to do that forever.

We've got to demand responsibility from congress, and accountability from the executive, because winning this war can't be a faith based initiative.
Since the London attacks eighteen of our twenty partners in our coalition of the willing and the billing have suffered terrorist attacks. Our soldiers, wounded in Iraq, who die in transit, or on arrival in other countries, aren't properly counted as war dead. This game of let's pretend is costing us dearly. Soon, we'll look in the mirror and won't recognize America at all.
Al Ingram (Updated July 11, 2005)

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con·cept: Imagine