Saturday, December 06, 2003

Hospitals Say They're Penalized by Medicare for Improving Care:
"The health care system is perverse," said a frustrated Dr. Brent C. James, who leads Intermountain's efforts to improve quality. "The payments are perverse. It pays us to harm patients, and it punishes us when we don't."

"By better educating doctors about the most effective pneumonia treatments, Intermountain Health Care, a network of 21 hospitals in Utah and Idaho, says it saves at least 70 lives a year. By giving the right drugs at discharge time to more people with congestive heart failure, Intermountain saves another 300 lives annually and prevents almost 600 additional hospital stays.

But under Medicare, none of these good deeds go unpunished.

Intermountain says its initiatives have cost it millions of dollars in lost hospital admissions and lower Medicare reimbursements. In the mid-90's, for example, it made an average profit of 9 percent treating pneumonia patients; now, delivering better care, it loses an average of several hundred dollars on each case."

Medicare's top official is quick to agree that the payment system needs to be fixed. "It's one of the fundamental problems Medicare faces," said Thomas A. Scully, who as the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has encouraged better care by such steps as publicizing data about the quality of nursing home and home-health care and by experimenting with programs to reward hospitals for their efforts.

But the steps taken so far have been small, and many experts say that rather than paying for more studies, Congress should start making significant changes to the way doctors and hospitals are paid.

"They're splashing at the shallow end of the pool," said Dr. Arnold Milstein, a consultant for Mercer Human Resource Consulting and the medical director for the Pacific Business Group on Health, an association of large California employers. He would like to see as much as 20 percent of what Medicare pays doctors and hospitals linked to the quality of the care they provide and their efficiency in delivering treatment.

Two decades ago, Medicare led a revolution in health care. By setting fixed payments for various kinds of treatment — a coronary bypass surgery or curing a pneumonia or replacing a hip — rather than simply reimbursing doctors and hospitals for whatever it cost to deliver the care, it encouraged shorter hospital stays and less-expensive treatments.

But today, many health care executives say, Medicare's payment system hinders attempts to improve care. Dr. James, the Intermountain executive, said that he wrestled with the situation every day.

By making sure its doctors prescribe the most effective antibiotic for pneumonia patients, for example, and thereby avoiding complications, Intermountain forgoes roughly $1 million a year in Medicare payments, he estimated. When a pneumonia patient deteriorates so badly that the patient needs a ventilator, Intermountain collects about $19,000, compared with $5,000 for a typical pneumonia case. And while it makes money treating the sicker patient, Dr. James said, it loses money caring for the healthier one.…

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