Thursday, January 09, 2003

They can also be attractive resources even for people without the means to pay the often pricey admission fees charged by the value-added services. In this guest article, noted super searcher Mary Ellen Bates describes the relatively low-cost options and how (and when) to use them for maximum benefit.

SearchDay - Ferrrari Searching on a Volkswagen Budget - 4 December 2002
Don't let the "high cost" of value-added information services such as LexisNexis, Dialog and Factiva scare you away -- all three offer reasonable pay-as-you-go options appealing even to searchers on a limited budget.

You can't always find everyting on the Internet. Though this may sound like heresy coming from a editor, it's an important truth that many people either don't understand or believe.

Serious information professionals know that value-added information services such as LexisNexis, Dialog and Factiva offer tons of information not available on the web. This information is also vetted for accuracy and completness, making these services invaluable for those with critical information needs.

They can also be attractive resources even for people without the means to pay the often pricey admission fees charged by the value-added services. In this guest article, noted super searcher Mary Ellen Bates describes the relatively low-cost options and how (and when) to use them for maximum benefit.

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