Thursday, July 02, 2015

Businesses’ Doors Creak Open in a West Bank ‘Ghost Town,’ Decades After Massacre – The New York Times

Businesses’ Doors Creak Open in a West Bank ‘Ghost Town,’ Decades After Massacre – The New York Times:

Before the intifadas, yet foreshadowing them, an Ameican born Israeli murdered people at prayer in Hebron. As usual, the Palestinians were punished. Businesses were shuttered, movement restricted. 200,000 Palestinians had their lives restricted for the benefit of 700 Israeli settlers after a crime committed by one of the settlers.

Now, supposedly, restrictions are being lifted. Lifted in such a way that it’s hard to see any real change at all.

Perhaps real change isn’t the desired result. We will watch. We will see.

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con·cept: July 2015