ElcomSoft researchers did not crack AES-256, Luther Martin, a senior security architect at Voltage Security, wrote on the Superconductor blog on May 26. Digging deeper into Katalov’s post reveals that ElcomSoft researchers didn’t actually figure out a way to brute-force its way through the encryption, but circumvented the security measures altogether by obtaining the encryption keys stored on the device to unlock the data."
The plain and simple fact is, Apple just doesn't get it. I'd love to see the memo they send to their employees this time. Macs don't get malware. Iphone data is secure because it's encrypted. So, Smith, W., 2+2 is 5, because the state (Steve J.) says so.
The plain and simple fact is, Apple just doesn't get it. I'd love to see the memo they send to their employees this time. Macs don't get malware. Iphone data is secure because it's encrypted. So, Smith, W., 2+2 is 5, because the state (Steve J.) says so.